10 research outputs found

    Topological changes in data-driven dynamic security assessment for power system control

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    The integration of renewable energy sources into the power system requires new operating paradigms. The higher uncertainty in generation and demand makes the operations much more dynamic than in the past. Novel operating approaches that consider these new dynamics are needed to operate the system close to its physical limits and fully utilise the existing grid assets. Otherwise, expensive investments in redundant grid infrastructure become necessary. This thesis reviews the key role of digitalisation in the shift toward a decarbonised and decentralised power system. Algorithms based on advanced data analytic techniques and machine learning are investigated to operate the system assets at the full capacity while continuously assessing and controlling security. The impact of topological changes on the performance of these data-driven approaches is studied and algorithms to mitigate this impact are proposed. The relevance of this study resides in the increasingly higher frequency of topological changes in modern power systems and in the need to improve the reliability of digitalised approaches against such changes to reduce the risks of relying on them. A novel physics-informed approach to select the most relevant variables (or features) to the dynamic security of the system is first proposed and then used in two different three-stages workflows. In the first workflow, the proposed feature selection approach allows to train classification models from machine learning (or classifiers) close to real-time operation improving their accuracy and robustness against uncertainty. In the second workflow, the selected features are used to define a new metric to detect high-impact topological changes and train new classifiers in response to such changes. Subsequently, the potential of corrective control for a dynamically secure operation is investigated. By using a neural network to learn the safety certificates for the post-fault system, the corrective control is combined with preventive control strategies to maintain the system security and at the same time reduce operational costs and carbon emissions. Finally, exemplary changes in assumptions for data-driven dynamic security assessment when moving from high inertia to low inertia systems are questioned, confirming that using machine learning based models will make significantly more sense in future systems. Future research directions in terms of data generation and model reliability of advanced digitalised approaches for dynamic security assessment and control are finally indicated.Open Acces

    Regularised Learning with Selected Physics for Power System Dynamics

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    Due to the increasing system stability issues caused by the technological revolutions of power system equipment, the assessment of the dynamic security of the systems for changing operating conditions (OCs) is nowadays crucial. To address the computational time problem of conventional dynamic security assessment tools, many machine learning (ML) approaches have been proposed and well-studied in this context. However, these learned models only rely on data, and thus miss resourceful information offered by the physical system. To this end, this paper focuses on combining the power system dynamical model together with the conventional ML. Going beyond the classic Physics Informed Neural Networks (PINNs), this paper proposes Selected Physics Informed Neural Networks (SPINNs) to predict the system dynamics for varying OCs. A two-level structure of feed-forward NNs is proposed, where the first NN predicts the generator bus rotor angles (system states) and the second NN learns to adapt to varying OCs. We show a case study on an IEEE-9 bus system that considering selected physics in model training reduces the amount of needed training data. Moreover, the trained model effectively predicted long-term dynamics that were beyond the time scale of the collected training dataset (extrapolation)

    Value of Optimal Trip and Charging Scheduling of Commercial Electric Vehicle Fleets with Vehicle-to-Grid in Future Low Inertia Systems

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    The electrification of transport is seen as an important step in the global decarbonisation agenda. With such a large expected load on the power system from electric vehicles (EVs), it is important to coordinate charging in order to balance the supply and demand for electricity. Bidirectional charging, enabled through Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) technology, will unlock significant storage capacity from stationary EVs that are plugged in. To take this concept a step further, this paper quantifies the potential revenues to be gained by a commercial EV fleet operator from simultaneously scheduling its trips on a day-ahead basis, as well as its charging. This allows the fleet to complete its trips (with user defined trip length and distance), while taking advantage of fluctuating energy and ancillary services prices. A mathematical framework for optimal trip scheduling is proposed, formulated as a mixed-integer linear program, and is applied to several relevant scenarios of the present and future British electricity system. It is demonstrated that an optimal journey start time can increase the revenue of commercial fleets by up to 38% in summer and 12% in winter. This means a single EV from the maintenance fleet can make additional annual revenue of up to {\pounds}729. Flexible trip schedules are more valuable in the summer because keeping EVs plugged in during peak solar output will benefit the grid and the fleet operators the most. It was also found that a fleet of 5,000 EVs would result in the equivalent CO2\textrm{CO}_2 of removing one Combined Cycle Gas Turbine from the system. This significant increase in revenue and carbon savings show this approach is worth investigating for potential future application.Comment: Published in Sustainable Energy Grids and Network

    Machine-learned security assessment for changing system topologies

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    Machine learning has been used in the past to construct predictors, also known as classifiers, for dynamic security assessment. Although accurate classifiers can be trained for a single topology, often they do not work for another. However, the power system topology can change frequently during operation due to maintenance and control actions. At one topological configuration, the system may have a different response to a fault than at another as the underlying distribution of power flows can be completely different. Quantifying the impact of changes in the topology on the predictive models’ performance is an important step forward to minimize inaccurate predictions and improve their reliability. In this paper, for the first time, a metric for quantifying the impact of a topology change on the accuracy of the classification model is proposed. The key novelty is to first select a subset of power flow features with a physically informed feature selection technique and subsequently compute the metric with a novel convex hull-based analysis. In addition, the approach can advise to effectively constructing new training databases that improve the accuracy of new machines trained after high-impact topology changes. Through a case study using transient stability on the IEEE 68-bus system, the use of the proposed metric in real-time operation was demonstrated. 17 high-impact topology changes were successfully detected among 42 studied topological changes. The subsequent effective construction of the training database improved the predictive accuracy by around 10%. An interesting finding is the amount of newly generated data can be reduced by up to 85% as often the generated data is the barrier for data-driven DSA. The proposed workflow significantly reduces data and trains robust classifiers against topological changes marking a fundamental step forward.Intelligent Electrical Power Grid

    Transient Stable Corrective Control Using Neural Lyapunov Learning

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    This paper proposes a method to compute corrective control actions for dynamic security in real-time and quantifies the economic value of corrective control. Lowered inertia requires fast control methods in real-time to correct system operation and maintain system security when equipment fails. However, using corrective control beyond such emergency failure measures does not make fully use of them. The key contribution of this work is the optimal use of corrective control applications in combination with preventive strategies to enhance the network utilisation, reduce the normal operating costs while maintaining adequate security levels. The proposed approach learns a neural network for safety certificates and models the predicted safe dynamic post-fault state as algebraic constraints in an AC optimal power flow (OPF) deciding close to real-time on the optimal corrective control. Considering these safety constraints within the ACOPF can balance simultaneously the system transient stability with the costs for preventive and corrective control. This proposed approach outperforms sub-optimal approaches aiming at sequentially finding the balance. Case studies were based on the IEEE 9-bus system with integrated electrical vehicles and shares of wind power up-to 40% and on the IEEE 39-bus and 118-bus systems. The proposed approach outperforms baseline control approaches in stability, economics, and carbon emissions. One baseline approach was preventive wind curtailment, against which the proposed approach reduced operating costs by up-to 60%, decreased unstable operations by 50% and reduced carbon emissions by 60% in the IEEE 9-bus. In the IEEE 39-bus and 118-bus systems, the approach was promising for larger systems.Intelligent Electrical Power Grid

    A causality based feature selection approach for data-driven dynamic security assessment

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    The integration of renewable energy sources increases the operational uncertainty of electric power systems and can lead to more frequent dynamic phenomena. The use of classifiers from machine learning is promising to include dynamics in the security assessment of the power system. The training of these classifiers is typically performed offline on synthetically generated operating conditions (OCs) that are similar to real-time operation. However, the uncertainty in the generated OCs and the classifier’s inaccuracy is larger the longer the time between offline and real-time operation. Moving the classifier training closer to real-time operation is an important step forward to reduce inaccurate predictions and improve reliability. In this paper, a novel causality-based feature selection approach for an online dynamic security assessment (DSA) framework is proposed. The key novelty is to use the system’s physics to learn the causal structure between the features and then select the features based on this causal structure. The proposed approach results in faster computations, is more robust and more interpretable. Moreover, classifiers can be trained closer to real-time operation which enhances the predictive performance. Through a case study using transient stability on the IEEE 68-bus system, the proposed method reduces computational time by 75% in comparison to state of the art feature selection techniques. The proposed workflow showed superior performance in accuracy and robustness against uncertainty compared to conventional machine learning approaches for DSA. The computational benefit was also projected to a dataset of the French transmission system where the approach has the potential to achieve computational savings of up-to two orders of magnitudes.Intelligent Electrical Power Grid

    Verifying Machine Learning conclusions for securing Low Inertia systems

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    Machine Learning (ML) for real-time Dynamic Security Assessment (DSA) promises a probabilistic approach to secure lower safety margins and costs. However, future systems with a high share of renewables have low inertia and converter-interfaced devices resulting in faster dynamics. Past research on ML-based DSA used high inertia systems to study ‘the best’ ML data, features, and models building upon each other's work for decades. Seldom has ML-based research for DSA questioned whether the underlying assumptions for (and the conclusions of) these studies are still valid for low inertia systems. This work studies exemplary changes in assumptions (and conclusions) for ML-based DSA when moving from High Inertia (HI) to Low Inertia (LI) systems. The dynamical system of the LI system is brought in perspective with the most typical ML-based approaches, which are organised in sequential steps. The steps consider the generation of the training database, the data pre-processing and feature selection, the model training and validation. This work analyses each step individually for the changed assumptions in the dynamical LI system, and subsequently, a case study provides the evidence that considering a LI system to identify the ‘best’ ML approaches is important. The case studies on IEEE 14 and 68 bus systems confirm that LI systems must be optimised for security (otherwise, they result in 80% less security than HI systems). The key findings, however, are that using ML makes significantly more sense in LI systems than in HI systems as the LI dynamics are in shorter timescales (and the advantage of ML is to predict security in milliseconds) and that secure/insecure operations can be separated more straightforwardly in LI systems as ML increases the accuracy by up-to 40% towards close to 100% when using neural networks.Intelligent Electrical Power Grid

    Transition to Digitalized Paradigms for Security Control and Decentralized Electricity Market

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    Digitalization is one of the key drivers for energy system transformation. The advances in communication technologies and measurement devices render available a large amount of operational data and enable the centralization of such data storage and processing. The greater access to data opens up new opportunities for a more efficient and decentralized management of the energy system. At the distribution level of the energy system, local electricity markets (LEMs) provide new degrees of flexibility by trading and balancing the energy locally and offering ancillary services to the wider transmission and distribution system operators. Maximizing the grid impact from this flexibility calls for novel data analytics and artificial intelligence techniques to enhance the system's security and reduce the energy costs of local prosumers. At the same time, however, relying on data-based approaches increases the risk of cyberattacks, and robust countermeasures are, therefore, needed as an integral aspect of digitalization efforts. This article discusses the key role of centralized data analytics to fully benefit from the advantages of LEMs in terms of system's security enhancement and energy costs' reduction. Data-driven paradigms are investigated that allow for flexibility from decentralized markets, mitigate the physical security risks, and devise defensive strategies shielding the system from cyber threats.Green Open Access added to TU Delft Institutional Repository ‘You share, we take care!’ – Taverne project https://www.openaccess.nl/en/you-share-we-take-care Otherwise as indicated in the copyright section: the publisher is the copyright holder of this work and the author uses the Dutch legislation to make this work public.Electrical Sustainable EnergyIntelligent Electrical Power Grid

    State-of-the-art of data collection, analytics, and future needs of transmission utilities worldwide to account for the continuous growth of sensing data

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    Nowadays, transmission system operators require higher degree of observability in real-time to gain situational awareness and improve the decision-making process to guarantee a safe and reliable operation. Digitalization of energy systems allows utilities to monitor the system dynamic performance in real-time at fast time scales. The use of such technologies has unlocked new opportunities to introduce new data driven algorithms for improving the stability assessment and control of the system. Motivated by these challenges, a group of experts have worked together to highlight and establish a baseline set of these common concerns, which can be used as motivation to propose innovative analytics and data-driven solutions. In this document, the results of a survey on 10 transmission system operators around the world are presented and it aims to understand the current practices of the participating companies, in terms of data acquisition, handling, storage, modelling and analytics. The overall objective of this document is to capture the actual needs from the interviewed utilities, thereby laying the groundwork for setting valid assumptions for the development of advanced algorithms in this field